The Singing Inspector

Hi my name is Benny. Today the singing inspector is coming i am so scared . His name is Raymond  he wears knikerbockers and thick stockings  like a hunting man. His face is really red  and his eyes are as blue as gooseberries and he has golden curls on his head. He called me and Charles first we were standing still super scared. He said can you guys sing any thing  we can sing pretty Polly then he then sing Pretty Polly. Charles sang  Pretty Polly Pretty Polly whats oclock whats oclock in a low sort  of voice  then i sang Pretty Polly Pretty Polly in a high sort of voice. we stop because we lost all our breath. Mr.R shouted you wasted my time you two voiceless idiots in a singing class. He sent us out and he said we must go do sum. We went to go do some sum we had to do 1 all the way 20 for our sums.


  1. Hello Blake, your blog post is really engaging and interesting. your a really good writer in your posts,the way you expressed how Benny felt is amazing.why did you choose Benny as the character you chose to write about ?

  2. Hi Blake. Your post was creative,funny and interesting. You made your character sound so interesting. Mr Raymond sounds like a horrible guy. I am so glad that we don't have singing inspectors in our school. Why did you sing in a low sort of voice.


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